
Beautiful woman easy rider magazine
Beautiful woman easy rider magazine

At the Northern California Dealers meetings he began lobbying for a revival of the TTT event and suggested they follow the format I had established, ie. 4 years later he purchased the Oakland Harley-Davidson dealership from the surviving Self brother. Bob Dron was at “The Run to the Redwoods” and is the guy parked by the side of the road watching the passing bikes in the first photo above the title. “While I claim no credit for the success of the “Redwood Run” in later years, I was the one who was it’s initiator. “Run to the Redwoods” Jeff McCann’s run featured in this 1974 Custom Chopper magazine. Not many are fit to print, I’m glad to have this lil’ gem. Love some old school 1970s Harley Digger action.


His awesome archive of work has been lovingly featured on TSY before to mad fanfare, as it should. I’m honored to give them a home. While I’m at it– also revisiting custom bike legend Jeff McCann. Check the great ozone fade in a lot of these old pics that have been used and abused, and finally landing here for prosperity. Just too much 1970s Biker badass goodness to not go sequel on y’all, and in full color no less, bros and bras.

beautiful woman easy rider magazine

There are many colorful tales– It’s reported that as a doorman he got away with shooting a man to death, that he was a known hitman, also Frank Sinatra’s bodyguard, and that he took horse steroids to achieve and maintain his enoromous size. A friend of the Fresno Hells Angels, and a feature favorite with the staff at Easyriders magazine, Armond was literally a giant among men and a controversial figure to this day. Depending on who’s telling it, Armond Bletcher was somewhere between 6′ 3″ – 6′ 8″, and tipped the scales around 300 – 350 lbs. He was never in competition, but he took steroids and was unbelievably big.”

beautiful woman easy rider magazine

In the early ’70s Armond could bench 705 lbs., but he had to arch his back to do it. He was so strong he could pick up a couple motorcycles and put them on the back of a pickup truck. Armond Bletcher stood 6″8″ and weighed 350 lbs. There’s never a shortage of drunks or foolhardy motherfuckers willing to take us on, and a lot of times we’ll take on each other.

Beautiful woman easy rider magazine